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Tom Perfrement
This year there was enough food on Earth for everyone to have 2,700 calories per day.
But this morning, about a billion people on Earth — or one out of every seven — woke up and didn't have the capacity to obtain just one cup worth of food. One out of every seven people. According to the World Health Organisation, every 10 seconds the world loses a child to hunger. This is more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
For most people, if they think about hunger, they don't have to go far back in their own family history — maybe in their own lives, or their parents' lives, or their grandparents' lives — to remember an experience of hunger. My Grandpa struggled with a complete lack of food as a 15-year-old, fighting in World War II. As Gandhi said, "to a hungry man, a piece of bread is the face of God".
In October, I’m incredibly excited to be taking on the challenge of the Great Wall of China in support of The Hunger Project: a women-centric, empowerment initiative that trains local volunteers to lead change in their communities to break the cycle of hunger. I'll be completing an eight-day trek along the Great Wall, whilst camping in rural China, in support of this cause.
The Hunger Project isn't an ordinary charity. We aim to reach 16 thousand villages in 2017, training more than 395 thousand local volunteers to lead change in their community. Since establishment in 1977, THP has impacted more than 17 million people living with chronic hunger, with simply 12 employees based in Australia.
I’m reaching out for help, because I believe we're living at a time in human history where it's just simply unacceptable that children wake up and don't know where to find a cup of food. If you can make a donation, you are an absolute hero in my eyes, because no child deserves to go hungry based on the circumstances they were born into in the unjust genetic lottery that is life.
- Tommy
The Hunger Project Australia
The Hunger Project's approach is different - we see people living in hunger as the solution, not the problem. We shift the mindsets of women and men so they transform into leaders for the sustainable end of hunger. Then, through our programs such as education, microfinance, agriculture and health, we empower people with the skills, knowledge and resources they need to break the poverty cycle themselves.
A world where every woman, man and child leads a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.
To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centred strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.
We know it’s possible for hunger to end, and that our generation has the power to end it once and for all. In our experience, people who live in hunger are not the problem – they are the solution. We don’t see a billion mouths to feed, we see a billion human beings who are enterprising and resilient. The work, therefore, is to unlock their capacity, creativity and leadership so they can end their own hunger. That’s what we do.
The Hunger Project empowers women and men living in rural villages in Africa, India, Bangladesh and Latin America to end their own hunger. We reach more than 16.1 million people who are transforming themselves, their families and their communities, and are bringing about the end of hunger.
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