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AUD $1,400 of AUD $2,000 target.


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Bess Slater

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Bess' Great Wall Trek


Yes, I'm going on another adventure!!

This trek I'm travelling with a complete bunch of strangers from all over the world, taking on the Great Wall of China in May 2017.

As part of my adventure, I'm raising money and awareness of suicide prevention for Lifeline South West Vic in loving memory of my Dad Greg whom we sadly lost in March 2015.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Lifeline South West Vic to support crisis support & suicide prevention services in the South West region.

Thanks so much for your support xx

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Lifeline South West (Vic) Inc

Lifeline South West Vic is a charity providing our community with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services, responding to over 13,000 calls from people in extreme emotional distress annually. Suicide is a serious issue with more people in our community dying from suicide than from road trauma.

As a charity, we are reliant on your support to continue providing these vital services to our community, $40 helps us answer a call to someone in crisis.

Each dollar you give helps us save lives.
For more information on Lifeline South West Vic contact us on (03) 5559 0555.

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